Wanting control over your creative work (or as a colleague once put it "My BABIES!") is quite natural for any creative person and that motivation came across in the news post you are alluding to. There is nothing wrong with taking steps to improve/ensure your control of your projects (like a signature, watermarks, glazing, etc.) but as others have already comprehensively pointed out: You just can't control 'everything'.
If you ever feel anxious in this regard and can spare 2 minutes, this video from ToonHole might also help you:
Where Ideas Come From
(He made 5 of these videos, all of them are good, and everyone on NG should watch all of them - multiple times. ;) But I think that one will be the most relevant to you 'right now'.)
Also thanks to @Chdonga, @MetalSlayer69, as well as @Pingu from me 'for being there'.
No need to apologize dude! It's not delusion. You had a genuine concern and I hope that everyone who commented eased your stress.
Thank you very much for helping me