doing good but lazy lol :D
(=ↀωↀ=) <[ we're doing so much for too less.]
Age 18
Funny hat
French and Algerian
Joined on 9/3/24
doing good but lazy lol :D
Rest well :D
am good, just read my latest blog hehe
I'm doing alright, I visited my brother and my dad back in my hometown earlier this week and had Thankgiving with my mom and her boyfriend.
@SouSTAR Awww, thank you. Soon I will write another Russian diary but first I will wait for the 3rd December to write a journal about my first year on NG (it will be long as usually my journals are XD because I want to recap many things).
I am glad to hear this, if you ever feel down feel free to message me^^
It's great that you want to be an illustrator, I think here you can find resources or even people more than ready to help you in your journey. Doubts can be a powerful tool to grow and not fossilize in pre-fixed mental schemes.
Nothing is Personal, just a normal day or week
But i'll draw today
Saw a stray cat today. Pet him and scratched his belly, he was very kind.
Drinking lots of coffee recently!
I love that capybara pic! It puts a smile on my face^^
I'm doing fine. Currently browsing NG during a study break from Russian language. How are you?
Love your study journals! (^▽^)
I feel a bit better than yesterday :)
I want to be an illustrator, but i have to search how to...
Doubts are strong, but i know what i want.