Greetings. I hope you're currently having a good night.
I did read your latest post which where you were asking what happened (referring to why was Newgrounds down), and I was about to answer it, but you deleted it.
(=ↀωↀ=) <[ woah ]
Age 18
Funny hat
French and Algerian
Joined on 9/3/24
Greetings. I hope you're currently having a good night.
I did read your latest post which where you were asking what happened (referring to why was Newgrounds down), and I was about to answer it, but you deleted it.
Oh that's very kind :)
It was written it was because of maintenance, but it lasted a bit more than i expected so was a bit worried haha
How are u fren?
I hope ur havin a very good night too :)
Hi Star. 👋
Hello Chrono!!! :D
@SouSTAR I'm doing well, thanks for asking. What about you?
Sorry for taking my time with answering, I'm currently listening to music and it kinda blurs my thoughts.
Glad to know that ur feelin well!
Im doin well, or tryin to more or less :)
No need to apologize! It's cool, all cool!
Watcha listenin to? :)
Hewwo :3
Henlo!!!! :3
henlo! :)
@SouSTAR ''Trying''? Are you sure you're doing well? Is there anything bothering you? We could talk about it, if you want.
I'm currently listening this: (
Woah, chiptune! It's cool, i like chiptune, I used to listen to this channel's music too!
There's another channel named "MegaBaz" who make those too! :)
As for the "trying", well, it's just things that happen. We all have our problems :)
It will just go away :)
@SouSTAR Hmm. Well, if you insist.
Remember that you always have my PMs open, in case you ever need to talk about anything.
I appreciate it! Thank you for your kindness! You're very kind! :D
Also sorry for the very late response, I couldn't stay up this late! I just slowly slept :3
Hope you're having a very good day :)
Osakaaaaaaa!!!!! :D
Cute kitty!!!! Or should I said, cute evil kitty!!!! :3
Henlo! :D
@SouSTAR Don't worry about it, I get it - it was getting kinda late, after all, and you had to go to sleep.
I hope you're having a good day as well, and a good week beginning.
hello sou!
hello zake! :D
Henlo :3
@SouSTAR *belch* :>
Oh hello there
SouSTAR (Updated )
Henlo fren
What time is it where u live
It is nearly midnight here