I like the deep blue color along with the clouds in the background! The lights in the buildings add a layer of metropolitan coziness :3
(=ↀωↀ=) <[ I'm a cat. You're a cat. He's a cat. We're all cats.]
Age 18
Funny hat
French and Algerian
Joined on 9/3/24
I like the deep blue color along with the clouds in the background! The lights in the buildings add a layer of metropolitan coziness :3
@SouSTAR idk tbh but never forget 11/01
Isn't it 9/11 instead?
When I typed this number in search I found angel related texts and religion stuff
Really cryptic
@SouSTAR dont joke about 11/01... too soon...
scary... 0_0
have u ever heard of the space machine zozoba 2
No, what is it?