I can't see where's the negative part here - you're just a fellow of numerous art concept tastes. It's good to be varied.
(=ↀωↀ=) <[ I'm a cat. You're a cat. He's a cat. We're all cats.]
Age 18
Funny hat
French and Algerian
Joined on 9/3/24
I can't see where's the negative part here - you're just a fellow of numerous art concept tastes. It's good to be varied.
Variety's a great skill in the art world! It means your talent go beyond just a few things, and that's wonderful! ^^
everybody can draw.
except me.
i only can draw stickmans in mspaint.
Well, that's still drawing :)
Your comics are super good! :3
And your pixelart too!
@SouSTAR hahaha thanks!!
You are not alone when it comes to consistency. My gallery doesn't have a fixed pattern too. Subjects are varied and even styles are not the same unless I make personal art where I tend to use a Don Bluth-inspired style. I like this honestly because I would get bored if I stuck to a single theme or subject. I am fluid like water and just like water that flows and reaches different places so my art does the same.
As for you I like this variety, keep it up!
Slow down, you are doing a raper
I know the feeling, consistency isn’t in my art “gallery” either.