I was very confused by all these copyright and indexation things, I began to think that there's wasn't real way to prove my art was mine.
It's the first time I'm uploading things to the internet, so it was just a matter of time until a newbie like me would just get confused...
Thanks to @Yatsufusa for explaining me how these things works and thanks to @MetalSlayer69 and @Chdonga for knocking some sense into me. Didn't knew this type of "I'll delete everything" behavior was common...
I just wanted to have "more control" on my works, but it doesn't really mean anything : it's the internet. Things get reuploaded, stolen, but it's only the popular things that get this treatment, and nobody really care because we already know the source...
And if I saw things I deleted still appearing, it's just because it wasn't updated by these "crawlers" (thanks @Pingu for explaining it to me) so I don't really have to worry about these things...
Thank you all again and sorry. Shouldn't make an alarming post like this for nothing. I'll try to be more rational... And to stop trying to go too fast...
Sorry again... :(
No need to apologize dude! It's not delusion. You had a genuine concern and I hope that everyone who commented eased your stress.
Thank you very much for helping me