Hello everyone!
I'm making dedicated playlists for Newgrounds artists (Music, Drawings, Games, Movies) of different nationality! :D
I will often update this post, and the playlists. :)
If you want to be in a playlist, if you found someone you would like to be in a playlist or want me to add a playlist for your country, you can tell me!
And of course, you can also make your own playlists too :)
To add people on these playlists, I simply look at their profile info. If there's none, I make my researches! :D
(If I have made any mistakes please tell me too!)
Newgrounds being an american site, I won't make a playlist for the USA as americans are a majority!
Is the goal is to attract more people on NG and to help people of different nationalities to find other artists of the same nationality too :)
(Woah, thank you all for your help! It will take a little time to add all the artists you mentioned! I'm very thankful! :D)
does it have to be art? or can it contain anything? :3
SouSTAR (Updated )
Drawings, music, animations, games, anything that goes in any of the 4 Portals :)